Instagram- Photo sharing!

Have you heard about the new photo sharing app.? Well, if you haven’t it is called instagram. Instagram is a app that allows you to take photos and share them with  your friends. If you have never heard about instagram then I will tell you all about it. When you get an instagram you will be able to take pictures ( flowers, friends,pets) and share them with your friends. The set-up is almost like Twitter, you can have followers, and follow people. But, instagram is also like Facebook. You can like and/ or comment on peoples pictures. This site allows you to take  picture, chose a filter for it, and then share! Instagram is called what it is because it is instantly sharing photos and almost like a telegram in the way pictures are sent over wire. Any more questions about instagram? check out their FAQ part of their website.

I have an iphone and was confused when people first started to tell me about this new app instagram. They told me I should get it and would love it. When one of my friends installed it, I realized that I would have to learn how to use it. It took me forever to finally use it. As soon as I  started to follow people and people followed me back then I realized I loved the app. I don’t normally put pictures up but I enjoy scrolling through the dashboard and looking at everyone else’s pictures. Most people put nature pictures or embarrassing pictures of their friends up. In my opinion I love the app and the way it’s set up. I love how it’s not too hard to understand how to use and easy to use.. Instagram is one of the best apps. in the store today!

~Julie Marino

How Technology is Changing the World

“Let me show you this game on my iPad. Wait, let me look this up in the internet with my iPhone.”Technology has changed the world  so much in so many ways.  Everything you could need and want is right with you in your hands. It’s everywhere . It has impacted the world good and bad.

Need to look something up on the internet; check.  Asking, Need to hear that song right now?; check. Contact a friend; check.  This are just some of the many things that technology can be useful for. Everything is so quick, it takes seconds that before could take you quite some time. It’s made life so much easier. Instead of going to the library to check out books, you can look it up in a matter of seconds.  And of course, thousands of results will show up. Also, there are so many ways to keep in touch with people. Sending texts, emails, IM, gmail, and even skype or FaceTime, where you can actually have a chat with someone to their face, but you could be miles and miles away. Finding locations, and remembering things easier because you store it in your  electronic device. Again, technology has made the world  easier and has even brought people closer together. It’s so popular that it is said that the percent of paper being used in the world as decreased,Including the number of newspapers. Technology has become an important thing in people’s lives.

~Justine Connelly

Boys Locker Room Project Locked Up!

For weeks now there has been talk about the boys locker room at the high school. Parents are outraged at the condition of the current locker room. Currently to get to the locker room you have to walk down a flight of stairs into the basement. Parents think that their kids shouldn’t have to go all the way to the basement just for gym class. They want a cleaner better room for the kids to change in.

Public building commissioner chairman, John Purtill, says that nothing is going to be done this summer. There isn’t enough time to do the work that needs to be done. There would only be about six weeks before the sports season starts. There is no way that a project like that could be accomplished in such a short time. I think the project should be started over this summer and completed the next summer. That way the building wouldn’t interfere with the school sports season and the locker room would be improved.

~Brianna Hunt