End of an Era

Steven Paul Jobs

February 24th, 1995 – October 5th, 2011

Wednesday, October 5th, was the end of an era.  Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, passed away from pancreatic cancer. Jobs took everything he knew and tried to make it better. You know how he got the idea for the iPod? Well, there were some broken hard drives that could only store music files. Instead of trashing them, he turned it into one of the most wanted top-of-your-Christmas-list gadgets that almost everyone wanted. He also did the impossible, shrinking down computers from dinosaurs, taking up entire tables (and waaaaay before that, rooms!) and crunching them down into palm-sized devices.(That not only had your pictures, music, and documents – but games and apps, too!)

My thoughts? I think that he was a smart guy who contributed a lot to the world in the way of technology – although, he was just a guy. Like anyone, he has a good side and a bad side. He was not perfect, having many faults such as giving his teachers a hard time, to having a horrible temper and taking it out on people at work.   I am glad he was here, but the world keeps spinning, and life moves on.

Interesting Facts

– Jobs was born from teenage parents, and then adopted by Clara & Paul Jobs.
– He was a college drop out, leaving in 1976 (when he was 21 years old), to start up the company we now know as Apple. After being with the business for a while, he jumped into an animation studio, helping it along and staying with it to help produce what our children might know as “the classics”. (I’ll give you a hint: the company produced UP, Cars, and Wall-E.

One thought on “End of an Era

  1. I thought this was good. I agree that Steve Jobs was a good guy even though he was just a regular person.

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