Change, One Step at a Time

Bullying is obviously a bad and growing problem in schools. it could be about how you look, dress, your race, religion, gender, or ability to do certain things. While people are bullying their peers, they are not thinking it’s going to affect them in anyway other than make them feel a little bit bad about themselves. But, it could be so much more than that. Making a mean remark about someone can not only make them self conscious, but can cost them their life. Bullying can and has made people commit suicide, which is the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Different kinds of bullying consist of physical bullying, verbal bullying, indirect bullying, social alienation, intimidation and cyber bullying. All of these things are equally hurtful, and can all lead to bad results. After being bullied, someone could become depressed, have an anxiety disorder, thoughts or attempted suicide, harming of themselves or others, etc.
In my opinion, bullying is one of the number one problems in schools and the community. To get the word out about bullying, there have been many songs, articles, videos and clubs made to make people aware of bullying. In this video they express what happened to one girl named Phoebe after she was bullied. Also, in this website, it shows peoples opinions and their thoughts on how to stop and/or prevent bullying. It’s as simple as saying one nice thing to a bullied peer. If you try to prevent bullying, others will follow in  your footsteps! So be a leader and try to make a change!!

~Krista Sbordone

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