Solving The Immigration Issue

Throughout the past decade, illegal immigration has been a hot topic in our country. As of 2012, there were 11.4 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States. This amount will possibly increase substantially in the next decade if we do not take action. How are we supposed to lower the number of immigrants who illegally enter the U.S? Donald Trump, a 2016 Republican presidential candidate thinks a wall should be built in between U.S and Mexico. He says, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has other ideas on solving the issue. She wants to secure our borders with more security, while also give the illegal immigrants a chance to become legal. She stated, “I am 100% behind comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.” Along with these two presidential candidates, many others have their own ideas on this topic.  

Although there are many ideas to stopping illegal immigrants from entering this country, I believe there is only one good idea. This idea is similar to Hillary Clinton’s idea. I think that the illegal immigrants deserve a chance at becoming a legal citizen. Unlike Trump’s opinion, I believe that deporting millions of these immigrants is the wrong thing to do. In my opinion, that is inhumane and unfair. Many of the illegal immigrants that enter the country are looking for a better life, and deporting them would not be fair. In addition, if we have secure our borders with more border patrol, without building a wall, the United States would be much better off. This would save them a lot of money as well as time. Overall, I think that the amount of illegal immigrants entering this country can be decreased, and the only way to rightfully do that is to listen to Hilary Clinton’s idea.
