Are you  interested in joining a club? Well Dodd has many different activities to sign up for. I really enjoy Dodd clubs. By joining a club, you can make many new friends. I for one have made a lot. By joining the Spark club I made about 10 new friends. I also signed up for the Chain Links Club.

When I first joined the SPARK club, I was a little nervous, and not sure what it was about. But, when I got there I realized how fun it was.  Many people may think signing up for an after school activity is not for them, but there a many different ones to catch your interest such as, Chain Links, Sports, and the SPARK club. I feel that joining something you’re interested in can really make you happy and feel important. Also it is a way to show that you care. So, if you ever are interested in joining a club, go to one of your teachers and find out what is right for you.

~Marli Green