Watch me cry from the inside


Hitting, teasing, threats, rumors, gossip, punching, stealing, and calling names are all examples of bullying. Bullying happens everyday, whether you know it or not, someone somewhere is being hurt. Whether it’s verbal, physical, or cyber bullying, it still hurts. If you call people names it has a huge impact on their mental, physical, and emotional health. Bullying can take place in crowds, or somewhere not in public. For example it can happen in school (around nobody) or even in an alley. Also, a target of a bully could be bullied by one or more kids at a time. In fact, schools worldwide are trying to prevent bullying from happening by taking action. I bet someone came to your school to talk to you about bullying, and to tell you about the bad effects from it. Now I’ll tell you honestly, about the way I feel about bullying.

Being a target of bullying stinks! So, when and if you see someone being picked on, and you do nothing about it, you are a bystander. You have just let the person down, even if you tell yourself you have done nothing to harm them. However you have walked away on the situation at hand. But really think about it, why would anyone stand there and watch someone be hurt? Is it popularity or the thought of it happening to yourself?


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