Are you  interested in joining a club? Well Dodd has many different activities to sign up for. I really enjoy Dodd clubs. By joining a club, you can make many new friends. I for one have made a lot. By joining the Spark club I made about 10 new friends. I also signed up for the Chain Links Club.

When I first joined the SPARK club, I was a little nervous, and not sure what it was about. But, when I got there I realized how fun it was.  Many people may think signing up for an after school activity is not for them, but there a many different ones to catch your interest such as, Chain Links, Sports, and the SPARK club. I feel that joining something you’re interested in can really make you happy and feel important. Also it is a way to show that you care. So, if you ever are interested in joining a club, go to one of your teachers and find out what is right for you.

~Marli Green

Was it Good He Left?

One of the worst snowstorm’s in the history of Connecticut just occurred about a month ago. This storm caused down trees and many power line damages. Power line damages meant many power outages. I was part of one of the unlucky families who happened to lose power for five days. Fortunately, our friends lent us a generator for light, several battery powered radios, and a kerosene heater. That doesn’t mean other families had these great necessities. Some areas in Cheshire did not have power for a week, and in some towns, longer!

Connecticut Light & Power had stated that 99% of Connecticut would have power back a week after the storm. That prediction was beyond wrong! By the time the 99% was supposed to have power back, large cities, such as Farmington didn’t even have half fixed. The reason it took so long was due to the help from other states. Those places of course, had their own problems to recover from. Why should we be asking others for help when we aren’t going to receive help for at least five or six days later. So, was it good that the president of Connecticut Light & Power resigned? I for one, am glad that the president of Connecticut Light & Power resigned because he would have been fired either way. In reality, it really isn’t the other states fault that they have made false information. They should be focusing on getting our employees to work more then finding others to volunteer. I believe, that this will change the next long term power outage we have.

~Alexa Kareco

Identity Phone

A recent survey found that 2200 cell phones were lost and brought to the lost and found in the nations 15 biggest malls. 90% of those phones were smart phones. What’s amazing is that 50% of the lost cell phones were never claimed and most of those weren’t even locked to protect the information inside.People these days store all of their private information and should be at least trying to protect it. About more than a third of the 234 million who own cell phones have smart phones. These phones are the jackpot for criminals.

However there are many ways to protect your phone from criminals and just getting lost. You should treat your phone like its your wallet with 100 plus dollars in it. Also be careful what you download.  Do your research. Use a password on your phone to protect it from unworthy hands. Make sure you keep track of the info you put on the phone. That way if you lose the phone you’ll know exactly whats on it. Use the remote-wipe feature if possible and use GPS to track it down when lost. Lastly use common sense, don’t leave your phone on the table in the food court or flash around it’s fancy features. Personally I just stick to a basic phone, that way my whole life   isn’t stored in one place.

~Tyler Brabnt

Popularity. What’s the point?

Throughout school we face it. It isn’t a subject and it isn’t an assignment. However, we are graded on it, like it or not. And this grading process isn’t done by the teachers, but by the students. Especially peers. It’s the topic of popularity.

Popularity, to most people, is what someone looks like, or the way someone dresses, or if someone is funny, which is understandable because everybody enjoys a good laugh. However, you can’t help what you look like, or really the way you’re dressed. So why is it that people gravitate towards the good-looking few or those who can afford the most expensive clothes? Why not those who are friendly, and accept you for who you are? You could be friends with someone who you think has good looks. However, the two of you should be friends because the person is nice and likes you for who you are, not because of the person’s looks.

But honestly, we are all popular to someone, aren’t we. We all have friends that may think that we’re popular, but do we think that we’re popular ourselves? Most would say no. But when all of us are “popular” in some way shape or form, are any of us actually popular? So let’s really think here. What’s the point in popularity? There is none.

~Alex Kavadas

Are you Sure This Isn’t a Spoof Movie?

The Breaking Dawn movie is the expected finale to the Twilight saga. Edward Cullen marries the love of his life, Bella Swan. During their honeymoon, a shocking twist occurs. Bella becomes pregnant with a child that will kill her. This is only part one of Breaking Dawn that is complete with a cliff-hanger ending. But is part 2 worth watching after this?

I have seen the Breaking Dawn movie twice so far. I personally think iit did not get any better the second time.  I mean sure, the CGI(computer graphics imagery) effects were awesomewith the wolves and everything, even though the talking inside the heads of the wolves was a little cheesy.  In addition Robert Pattinson can NOT act. Every line out his mouth seemed fake.

A good movie should pull you in and take you to its world. You can get lost in a good movie and honestly, I couldn’t get lost in anything except the tiny mistakes that were made constantly in the movie. For example, if you have seen it, you might not have noticed that when Edward pours the bag of blood into the Styrofoam cup, it’s red. When Bella sucks it out from a straw, it magically turns blue again, then red. I feel like one of the little aliens in the movie theater criticizing the horrible Sci-Fi movies, but it’s really funny how the producers can make so many mistakes when they know just how many people are going to flock to see their movie.

Overall the movie was pretty good and I do recommend it to people who are looking for a romantic- fantasy film. I thoroughly apologize to all the Twilight obsessed fans who might have just read this blog post.

~Amanda Murray