Horses: The Noblest of All Creatures

Maybe many of you like dogs, cats, or other animals more than horses, but did you know that horses may also be a human’s best friend? Before humans domesticate horses, they have been a source of food back then. The first modern horse horses dating back 3,000 years ago appeared in ancient Babylon. Horses have always been a faithful friend of humans. Going back to ancient times, soldiers fought on horsebacks. Nowadays, rather than riding on horses prior to war, horseback riding is mostly for fun, entertainment and competition.

Horses are definitely my favorite animal. Not only they are fun to ride on, but also the fact that they are a good and loyal pet that can work and help humans get their job done. Their grace and beauty about them makes them very likable. Horses are one true friend and companion of humans. A quick old fun fact,. Did you know that when horses look like they’re laughing, they’re actually engaging in a special nose-enhancing technique known as “flehmen,” to determine whether a smell is good or bad?


Does What You’re Doing Actually Matter?

One question that people ask sometimes is whether or not their work will benefit them in the long run. Most people know what they are doing, and some know how, but very few know why. And why is the only part that inspires people, because you are truly knowing what you really want to do. Eighty percent of people are unhappy with their work, and they also don’t know why they’re doing it. People need to spend their time in a way that matters to them. If everyone on the planet knew why they are doing work, frustration and stress would be gone. The world would be a different place if everyone lived and worked for what they love.

I strive to live and work for what I like to do, and I feel other people should as well. Yes, it is hard, but in the long run, working for what matters to you will bring you forward more in life. I know some kids hate school, but just keep reminding yourself that it is for your own good. You may not like it now, but later in your life when you get an A on the SAT’s, thank your teachers. I want to try and spread the word out to more people about this topic and hopefully you will too. Just take a couple minutes to think about your work and how it will benefit you. If you don’t see any benefits, stop. You aren’t supposed to live your life doing what you hate.


I’m Not Pro-Crastinating

We all have those things that we don’t want to do, and sometimes we avoid until we can’t. Even then, some of us go that extra mile and keep procrastinating. We’ve all heard it before and we’ve all done it, some more than others. When you procrastinate, you know you have something to do and you have plenty of time to do it. But somehow, every free moment you have seems like a perfect time to do something else! How will I find the time to write that essay when it’s so nice outside and all I want to do is go for a run, sit outside, walk the dog- speaking of the dog, I think I forgot to feed her. I’ll go look. Okay she has food, but I have no apples left! Man, I really want an apple. I guess I’ll add that to my grocery list. Hey look, there’s no more room on the page! I guess I’ll have to go to the store. Okay I’m back, but guess who I saw at the store. My 5th grade teacher! I wonder where my old yearbook is. I’ll go look. Well I couldn’t find the yearbook, but I found my old essay from 6th grade! Hey speaking of essay, I still have to write that. But look, it’s 7:50! My favorite TV show is on in 10 minutes! I guess I’ll write it after. Wow, that was a great episode. I think I’ll go take a shower. What? 10:00 already? I should probably get to sleep because I have to get up early tomorrow. And write that essay.

You see, procrastinators are perfectly aware of the task at hand, and have the time to do it. But when they have a week to do that project, why start now? Pretty soon, one week turns into one day, which turns into one night, which flies by until you finish with an hour to spare. Some very simple reasons that people procrastinate is because they seem too hard, too time-consuming, you don’t think you know what you’re doing, and you’re scared of failure. Who wants to write some big long hard essay when you could simply watch a movie? And who wants to spend hours preparing a speech when you can go out to dinner? And no one wants to try and do a presentation on something they know nothing about, and that can play into the fear factor too. Everyone’s going to know if you mess up, so let’s do this a little later. These are good reasons for procrastinating, and it’s not really hurting anyone, is it? They might seem like good reasons, but they actually aren’t. If the assignment is so hard, then you should do it now while you can get help from a teacher and ask questions. Something tells me they won’t be as helpful the night before it’s due. Too time-consuming? Maybe if you do it all in one sitting it is, but if you chunk it out in the time you have, it’ll be a piece of cake. If you don’t know what you’re doing, then you have the time to learn what you should, even if you just haven’t been paying attention in class. As for failure, things done in three hours are going to be a lot more sloppy than something done in three days, or more. If you put more time and effort into it, there’s a higher chance for success.

As for me personally, I’m an avid procrastinator. I think it’s fun to see how long it’ll actually take, especially when the teacher says “this isn’t a project you can do in one night”. Now this of course is a horrible mindset, but it’s a hard one to shake. If you haven’t started or aren’t in too deep, I would, without a doubt, advise you to stop procrastinating and never do it again. I think it’s addictive and not good, but I just can’t stop doing it. It’s usually more with projects, and I underestimate the amount of work and time I need to put into it. Of course, this is nothing that can’t be solved by a few hours of hard, frantic work. So even though procrastination is a horrible habit, I’d say that I’m pretty good at it.


Should Teens Work?


As teenagers we are constantly asking our parents or grandparents for the latest gadget or article of clothing.  We would be able to buy these things on our own if we had our own money, and I’m not talking about our college savings, but our own earned money.  The cost of raising a child born in 2011 to age 17 will cost a family an average of $235,000 and that doesn’t  include the cost of college.  Activities and special clothing alone can add extra expenses to a family budget.  If jobs were available to teens then we could help with these extra costs.

Do you think teenagers should have jobs?  What types of jobs are available for teens who are still in school? If teens had jobs they would earn money while learning new skills and proving to be responsible citizens. Teen jobs help you to discover what you’re good at and help guide you in your decision for a future career.  Earning our own money will also help us to learn about finances and how to budget our money as well as our time.  I think some of the best jobs for teens would be babysitting, working in a grocery store, restaurants, library, veterinary clinic, or helping at nursing homes like Elim Park.  These jobs can be very rewarding for both the teen and the employer.

~Felicia Rosadini