Stress Reliever

Being that age just between a kid and a teenager, it’s inevitable that you’re going to have to deal with stress. Trust me, I know from experience. The most common causes of stress are deadlines, being very busy, school, relationship difficulties, and major life changes. I’m pretty sure everyone deals with these complications every day. I know I do. These issues are called stressors. A stressor that I deal with a lot is homework. When I don’t get it done on time or wait until the last minute to do it, I end up causing way too much stress for myself. I’m pretty sure most of you have had to cope with this same situation. There are actually many ways to avoid this problem. Most of which are easy.

To stay away from stressors, you have to learn to prevent the problem from happening. The example I used before is a great way to show how to cease the problem. Say you have a huge project due but you don’t feel like doing it, so you put it off. Finally there’s only one day left to finish the project. What are you going to do? Now you have to stay up all night working on it. Does this dilemma sound familiar to you? Well, I have the secret on how to avoid this. All you have to do is start the project right when it’s assigned! It’s really not as hard as it sounds. Once you finish it way before it’s due, you’ll save yourself the stress, and you’ll have just as much free time as you would’ve had putting the project off. So, there you have it. Now you’re life won’t be so full of worries anymore!

~Isabel Peck