Therapy Dogs


For my blog post this quarter, I have decided to write about therapy dogs and how they help those who need it most. Therapy dogs are dogs that are trained to provide affection and comfort to people in places such as hospitals and nursing homes. There are three basic types of therapy dogs. The first type of therapy dogs are called “Therapeutic Visitation” dogs. These are common household pets whose owners take them to visit different places such as hospitals, nursing homes, detention facilities and rehabilitation facilities. Visitation dogs helps people who are away from their family due to mental or physical illnesses and make them feel loved. These truly special dogs help brighten the day of those who are away from their loved ones. The second type of therapy dogs are called “Animal Assisted Therapy” dogs. Animal Assisted Therapy dogs help improve a patient’s mental, physical, social and emotional state. There are many different settings that they may visit. The most common places where dogs make their appearance are hospitals, nursing homes and therapeutic boarding schools for teens. However, there is a reason why the dogs take an adventure in a place like hospitals. Some are involved with specific therapeutic goals, such as assisting with patients who are working towards gaining motion in some limbs and  increase their motor control by completing an easy task such as basic pet care skills. Finally, the last type of therapy dog is called a “Facility Therapy Dog”. These dogs mainly work in nursing homes. They are often trained to help keep patients with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease from getting into trouble. These types of dogs usually live at the facility.


I think that therapy dogs are so important to the community. They can give someone so much love that they may be missing in their life. These extraordinary dogs help people deal with depression, anxiety, cancer and so much more. They are there to listen, to comfort and to love without judgement. There is a sort of feeling that that is hard find with other people and it helps some open up. There are so many ways that therapy dogs help everyone around them. Depression and anxiety have recently become a big part of lives all across the world. Those with depression try to avoid the outside world because of the fear and stress of what may happen. “Anxiety and depression involve emotional turmoil and negative internal ‘self-talk,’” Dr. Katie Kangas, co-founder of the Pet Wellness Academy, explains. “These thoughts typically spiral into unrealistic negativity and this continues in a vicious cycle.” Kangas goes further into explaining how dogs provide a comforting companionship. Her and her group of colleges discussed whether or not having a dog for depression was a good idea and they come to the conclusion that it would help with so many more ways to help than doctors can even prescribe. It helps them have one focus and one responsibility. “A dog needs to be fed, needs to be walked, and needs to be pet, so on days when a person feels least motivated, a thump of a happy tail motivates a person to get back to living,” Demling says.

Along with an opportunity of responsibility, dogs also give their owners and companions unconditional love. After some studies, it was a unanimous agreement that 100% of the time, a dog does not judge when a person is depressed, anxious, lonely, wearing the same clothes as yesterday and can’t get out of bed. It makes people feel like they have a true friend during their difficulties.

One of the most important things about therapy dogs is that when working with people with depression, anxiety and almost any other disease, they are able to recognize signs of a panic attack or seizure coming. “The mere presence or non-reaction to a stimulus of a trusted companion often calms an attack,” Demling explains. “Dogs can also be trained to use passive methods to block strangers from approaching their handler unexpectedly.”

With someone to always be able to talk to, to be comforted at difficult times and for unconditional love without judgement, I believe that therapy dogs are a necessity in this wonderful world. Just think about how happy it will make someone feel, how they will have comfort that is difficult to find in people, as well as the smile on their face when they find a beautiful animal lying down next to them.


Cats- Man’s Best Friend

Ah, yes. The age old question- Which common household pet is superior? Typically, people hold a strong stance on either side, although some are indifferent and others prefer birds or something. However, obviously cats are the best. Hold on, sit down, dog lovers. I can hear you practically scrambling out of your chair, preemptively writing a comeback argument. And that’s fine! But just read and look over my reasons why before you type “Dogs are totally 100 PLUS 20 percent better! Dogs deserve an A++!!” In my opinion, cats are better for three main reasons; They are self sustainable, quiet, and small.

Cats, compared to dogs, are self sustainable once they reach a certain age. You don’t have to let them in or out (Unless it’s an outdoor cat), and you don’t have to feed them every day. if you get a cat feeder and fill it with dry food, they can eat whenever they’re hungry.

Cats are also considerably quieter. Whenever you have guests over, you don’t see your cat jumping all over them. With dogs, that desk is probably going to get tackled, or at least get jumped on. They’ll also bark a lot, and generally make a lot of noise. Cats will stay quiet, and observe from afar, only approaching after some of the general commotion has died down.

Additionally, cats are better for people in apartments, due to their small size and general quietness. Even in a small apartment room, cats can find various ways to entertain themselves and not make too much noise- Assuming you’ve provided toys and the like for them, so that the cat doesn’t find entertainment out of tearing down your curtains. There are lots of toys that are sure to keep your little tiger entertained, many of which are at a reasonable price! My cats, Finnegan and Chase, are both rather active and playful. They really like the feather fishing-rod things, although they quickly eat the feather.

So there you have it- Now, dog lovers, you can release you reasons on why dogs are infinitely better than cats. Although I’m very sure they won’t convince me that dogs are better.


The Struggle of a Pitbull

When I was little I always wanted to adopt a pitbull, in my personal opinion they were the cutest dogs around. That changed when my grandfather told me stories about pit bulls tearing each other apart and being used in dog rings. As I did some research I realized that these dogs had it tough, as there were many lies and misconceptions based around these dogs. Now I gotta say, there is some serious hate on these dogs. The myths range from the lie that pit bulls jaws lock when they bite onto something to pit bulls are the most likely dog to bite.  Let me say that on a test taken on dogs behavior only 69.8% of Chihuahuas passed this test while 86.8% of American Pit Bull Terriers passed. Because of these myths it is extremely hard for a pit bull to get adopted.   There is an average of 35,000 pit bulls in shelters (poor guys) around the world and as long as these lies keep spreading the number will only rise.

In my opinion, it is time to spread love to pit bulls as soon as possible. These dogs are extremely great friends and protectors, not dogs born to fight. I had a sit down talk with my grandfather and showed him all of the amazing things about pit bulls that I found online. I was able to change his viewpoint once he realized how great these pups are. Trust me, if my grandfather can be persuaded than we can truly change anyone’s thoughts on these dogs. If we do change the hate on the pit bull then just imagine all the good that would come from it. The average 35,000 pitbull in shelter rate would drop, all of those pups would get homes, and only we can accomplish that.


Roof-Top Dog Dangers

In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, walking down the street is pretty normal, except for the constant sound of barking from up above. If you paused your walking and looked up, you would see dogs upon the roofs of many houses. Families in Mexico put their dogs on the roof of their home, so the dog can become a sort of watch dog, and look out over the street. Many people think families do this because they actually don’t have much room in their homes, which in some cases, is true, but for most these dogs serve as a sort of warning or alarm system.

Why do people need warnings and alarms? Why don’t they use another method instead of their pets? Isn’t this unsafe? What if the dogs fall off the roof? These are all questions that I personally have for people who make their dogs watch over the streets up on the rooftop. I think that this isn’t safe, and these dogs have a great risk for being injured. When some dogs see people or “intruders”, they bark and run around like crazy, which means that they could accidentally slip off the roof or jump off. In conclusion, leaving your dog on the roof to watch over your home is very dangerous and isn’t something that should be done.




Why to Adopt Dogs from a Rescue Center/Pound

Dogs are always great pets and when choosing them I recommend getting them from the pound or rescue center. But when choosing you need to be careful with your choices.  If you chose correctly though, you can have a great pet. I will also go over the steps you need to take with this new pet. First you need to figure out what your situation at home is. Then you go and tell the assistant and they will direct you to the dogs that are suitable to your situation. After this you should choose the dog you like then take it home. If you would like,  at most adoption center/pounds there is a 7 day testing where you can take the dog home and then take it back and get a refund if the dog does not fit your situation. Now you can see how your dog reacts to the new environment (home, apartment, etc) and then keep them if you like the dog. Some extra work may be needed to be taken for behavioral issues.

As for myself I think adopting a dog is an amazing thing for 3 reasons. The first one is that you are saving that dog’s life because if nobody adopts that dog then it could be euthanized (killed). The second reason is that the dog is a bundle of surprises like a birthday present but in a companion that can last forever. Yes in the beginning the dog may have a few issues but if they are not too severe then they can be fixed with a little bit of hard work. The third and final reason is that dogs are amazing animals and just getting the dog itself is a good reason! This is why dogs should be adopted from pounds and adoption centers. Maybe the next one found will be the one for you so go and check out the pound or adoption center near you.

Here is another blog to help you with your adoption choices:


Woof or Meow?

“Woof or Meow?” You are probably asking yourself, “What the heck does that mean?” Well, in simpler terms, cat or dog? The feud between the two top domestic animals has been going on for years. It is proven that roughly 83.3 million people in the United States own a dog. While cats on the other hand, are owned by roughly 95.6 million people in the United States. Studies have shown that people who choose dogs tend to be very energetic. This is most likely due to the fact that dogs are typically energetic and sometimes almost “insane.” This is also why people with dogs tend to have young kids so as to give them a playmate who will always be available. Cat owners on the other hand tend to be more independent, similar to the lone-wolf nature of most cats. So ask yourself now that you know this information, “Woof or Meow?”

I personally am more of a dog guy, and here is why. Dogs in my opinion are more lovable for several reasons. First, I have noticed among my dogs and other dogs that they tend to enjoy attention, and will keep coming back to get it. Dogs also, (if you train them right), are not very dangerous. Although they have sharp teeth and nails, they don’t typically find a reason to use their weapons. Cats on the other hand tend to be more aggressive, using their claws when scared, and latching on to anything they can find, which I notice is usually me. Cats also bite if they’re bitten in the wrong spot, as proven by They also tend to get feisty when someone tries to pick them up (self-defense), which is a pain for anyone who likes to pet animals, such as myself. Dogs on the other hand gladly get picked up, which makes it easy to pet them and, takes them out of harm’s way. They also are very easy to train, unlike cats who are hard to train and pee everywhere… A lot. Dogs overall are awesome and definitely take the cake over cats.


Claws vs Paws


There is always an argument about something, whether it be sports, or who’s better at something. The one I found to be most common would be the argument between which pet animal is the best. Specifically the dog and cat. Many consider the dog to be man’s best friend. They are known to protect, alert others to danger and play fetch. Others say cats are the better pet. Cats can crawl up on your lap and purr when they are content. Everyone has their own opinion. Cats have been known to save dogs, and dogs have saved cats. It is hard to declare the better pet because both animals have their own loyal followers.

I for one am on the dog’s side of the feud. I have always liked the dog (K9) .They stand their ground and are nice to people. They keep you company and love to play and then relax with you. I myself had a dog, and he was so easy to train. People take points off of dogs because they may bite, but only because there has been a lack of proper training. Cats scratch people and their small claws  plus their sharp teeth can hurt. Cats can also be unpredictable and some just like to be left alone. Both sides have their strengths and weaknesses. The feud could go on, and on. My heart and mind will always be set on the dog’s side of the feud.


The Tabby Tiger who Prides Over your Home

It’s always the nicest thing ever to curl up in your bed and begin reading your favorite book. You turn the page and – MEOW! That furry, fluffy face pops over your book. The next thing you know, Puss has climbed over the book and settled onto your lap – against your will. But before you push the kitty off of you, the soft warm weight feels good, and soon your cute kitten is reading the book with you.

Cats are not as needy as dogs, and they aren’t as loud either. But the feline animal is as much a man’s best friend as a dog is. They’re just more respectful creatures. The cat lets its owner know who the boss is. In case you were wondering, the boss is the cat. If the cat needs attention, it does not go running joyfully into the owner’s arms. Instead, it simply walks up to you, making sure that you know that it is there with a meow, and leaps lightly into your lap. If it is pleased with the condition of your lap, the way it is being petted, or simply because it is happy to be with you, the cat will purr. As soon as it’s had its fair share of attention, the cat will jump down and attend to cat business, such as cleaning itself for the umpteenth time.

My cat Frisky is rather small, but she is made of plenty of spitfire. She will come to the people she trusts with love, and regards those unfamiliar to her with fear. Always neat and proper, Frisky stalks the house like an heiress. She and Mom are competing with each other for the position of queen of the household, and even though Mom is currently in the lead, Frisky comes pretty darn close. Frisky has so much spirit in the summer. She will go to the door every morning and plead to go out to play in the woods. Sometimes she comes in late at night after staying outside for most of the day. I love her unconditionally for her incredible power and care she gives to this house. She and I are pretty much best friends!

~Savannah Nowicki

Cheshire Dog Park; It’s About Time!


If you live in Cheshire, then you must have heard about the Cheshire Dog Park. A few dog loving residents decided to get together and find a way to open the town’s first and only off leash dog park. Back in 2008 these residents formed a non profit organization to raise money for the park. Since then, they have raised over $10,000 dollars for the park. Their goal is  to raise $30,000. With the help of the Parks and Recreation Department they have identified a four acre space for the park on Waterbury road next to Artspace.

As a dog owner and dog lover I am very excited about the idea of having a dog park in town. My dog, Charlie, would love the chance to run and play with other dogs. It is also a great place for people to hang out while their dogs play and get exercise.  Having a dog park in town will also reduce the use of other town parks for dog walking. This keeps those parks cleaner, healthier, and safer for all. It is also good for Cheshire business because many dog owners take their dogs out of town to go to other safe dog friendly parks and end up spending their time and money in other towns. Cheshire Dog Park will be a great addition to our town. Click here for information on how you can help the Cheshire Dog Park become a reality.

~Taryn Murasso

Dog Saves Owner’s Life


“Recent studies have shown that some dogs can sometimes accurately detect cancer.”  A Basset Hound mix named Lexie uses her great sense of smell to sniff out her owner, Lisa Hillje’s tumor.  She began jumping on Hillje’s chest and barking at her. Startled by the dog’s unusual behavior, the owner put her hand over the area where Lexie was jumping and found a sign of cancer. With a history of breast cancer in her family, the 39-year-old went to a doctor. This appointment revealed that Hillje had cancer, even though she received a negative test only a few months prior. Thanks to the early detection, founded by Lexie, Hillje’s cancer was successfully treated and has remained in remission.

Hillje credits being alive today to her dog, so she was more than happy to help Lexie when her own moment of need arrived. Shortly after Hillje’s battle with cancer ended, she noticed that Lexie was drinking excessive amounts of water and refusing food. Hillje brought her beloved pet to the vet’s office, where three cancerous tumors were discovered in Lexie’s liver. Her vet said that Lexie most likely only had a month to live, but Hillje refused to give up. She researched and paid for expensive holistic treatments and doted on Lexie’s every need. The devotion appears to have worked. Lexie is alive and well. Now the pair are even when it comes to life saving, but Hillje is sure that won’t stop either of them from helping each other again.

~Taylor Monti