Evolution Embroilment

Evolution is a very controversial subject in schools. In fact, many protests have risen in states after a school taught it in their curriculum. What I don’t get, however, is why people are up in arms at this whole thing. People are merely teaching a theory, something that could be believed, and it is extremely important to our education system nowadays.

Biology is one of the most important fields of knowledge of which humans can learn. The natural way of life, the way that organisms have developed to become the graceful animals and humans that we know today. Biology is the road to understanding life. So, if we are to learn about life, we must understand how life came to be as it is. The mere understanding idea that life adapted to become the way it is today can help us in the field of biology. You don’t have to believe in it.  It can help us follow the trail of fossils of an prehistoric animal up until its modern equivalent. It can help us find the environments, flora, and fauna of ages long ago.. Also, Evolution is proving to be very useful in the search for a better kind of medicine, and vaccines, for people need to understand that viruses can mutate in a blink of an eye.

~Andrew Below

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