Should Teens Work?


As teenagers we are constantly asking our parents or grandparents for the latest gadget or article of clothing.  We would be able to buy these things on our own if we had our own money, and I’m not talking about our college savings, but our own earned money.  The cost of raising a child born in 2011 to age 17 will cost a family an average of $235,000 and that doesn’t  include the cost of college.  Activities and special clothing alone can add extra expenses to a family budget.  If jobs were available to teens then we could help with these extra costs.

Do you think teenagers should have jobs?  What types of jobs are available for teens who are still in school? If teens had jobs they would earn money while learning new skills and proving to be responsible citizens. Teen jobs help you to discover what you’re good at and help guide you in your decision for a future career.  Earning our own money will also help us to learn about finances and how to budget our money as well as our time.  I think some of the best jobs for teens would be babysitting, working in a grocery store, restaurants, library, veterinary clinic, or helping at nursing homes like Elim Park.  These jobs can be very rewarding for both the teen and the employer.

~Felicia Rosadini

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