Careful!!! This Halloween, you may want to be more cautious with your dog. If he/she consumes two to three ounces of chocolate, it can make a 50 lb. dog very sick. That wouldn’t be too good, would it?  Be careful of dropping any candy that contains any sort of chocolate in it! It’s too dangerous to take the risk. There are chemicals in chocolate that are similar to caffeine, called methylxanthines. Many dogs love the smell and taste of chocolate.  The darker the chocolate is, the more toxic it probably is.

So, now you obviously know to NOT take the risk of leaving tiny crumbs of Reese’s or Kit Kat or any other chocolate containing product lying on the floor and being too lazy to take 5 seconds to pick it up. I don’t have a dog, but, I do have 2 cats. I will be so aware of dropping any on the ground, especially on Halloween. I know it takes an extra effort to actually bend down, pick it up, then get back up. Although, I’d rather have my pets safe. It would make me feel so terrible to know that I didn’t take the short amount of time to take back the chocolate that I dropped the other day and made my cat get sick or poisoned!!!! It’s probably the same for you, too! I think it is great to have the habit of throwing out whatever you drop on the ground, even if it isn’t chocolate! I hope that all of you that read this start this habit too. Pets don’t know what they are or aren’t supposed to eat, so you have to pick it up, yourself, to keep them healthy. I know you love your pets, just like me, so KEEP THEM SAFE!

~Alexa Wetmore

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