No More Large Soda?

Can you believe what New York City has done?  The city’s health department became the first to pass a law that bans sugary sodas and sweetened teas which are 16 ounces or larger. The law passed on September 13, 2012.  However, the ban does not include diet sodas, dairy based drinks such as milkshakes, fruit juices or alcoholic beverages which are also fattening.  Plus, drinks like “The Big Gulp” at 7 Eleven are not included in the ban because grocery and convenience stores do not apply to the law.  New York City’s mayor Michael Bloomberg has led the charge.  He believes that the law will reduce the percentage of overweight Americans, especially elementary aged children.  The ban won’t come into play until March of 2013, however.

I do not agree with this ban, people should be able to choose what they want to drink as well as how much, without the government getting involved.  It will cause even more angry Americans in New York City, because they will not be able to get an average small soda when they go to restaurants or to school. What do you think about the ban, should more cities join in?  If this continues, what else will the government ban?  Should we go as far as letting the government ban all unhealthy ingredients and put a tax on sugar.  

~Rosa Palmieri