What is Social Media Doing to Our Society?


Social media seems to have evolved and taken over the 21st century. Everywhere we go, people are “tweeting” or “instagramming,” sharing pieces of their life with their friends and followers. Social media shares information with people all around the world, keeping everyone updated about your personal life. There are many different social media websites now, ranging from public videos on Youtube to photo sharing on places like Snapchat. Social media has increased communication around the world. It’s easy enough to just a shoot a quick text or message someone on Facebook, and they could contact you from anywhere. With the pros of this new technology comes cons, and there are quite a few. It limits to face-to-face socialization and cyber bullying has become a huge issue. Keeping this in mind, we have to ask ourselves- is social media running our lives?

I think that social media can be greatly beneficial to society, but it needs limits. It can help to improve business, and is a part of many peoples’ daily life. I love going on Twitter and seeing what people have to say! That being said, it should have boundaries. Updating your status every 5 seconds is not going to help you land a job or get an A+ on your next test. I believe that everyone needs to take a step back from this revolution and see what really matters. True socialization is dying in society and by simply having a conversation with someone in person, or going out with friends, you can help to save it.
