Should Middle Schools have Recess?

There have been many debates about whether or not middle schools should make recess part of the students day. There are many good reasons why it can go either way. For example, kids should have recess because research shows that students brains function better if they have a break during the day. Also, it makes them intake the information better. One reason, students should not have recess is because parents notice their children get injured a lot outside at recess. They like it better when their kids come home with no injuries.

I personally think that middle schools should make recess part of a student’s day. I believe this because recess is a time where you can see your friends that you don’t typically see throughout the day.  Also, it gives you the time to regroup yourself if you have been having a rough day. Another reason is, you should always be exercising everyday. For some people it is hard to do that so, this is time of the day when you can get that exercise. What do you think, should middle schools have recess or not?


Should There be Recess in Middle School?

Once you go to middle school you miss recess from elementary school, so I wonder why middle school doesn’t have recess. Why shouldn’t it? I know  the middle school schedule is longer and teachers need more time to teach us, but kids need time to hang out and not be surrounded by lunch ladies. I know lunch is the same thing kind of but we are more focused on eating than talking about everything.  Recess is good for teens because they need fresh air during the day and to just hang with their friends. According to the Internet  kids need oxygen everyday during the day even in school.

I know when most people think recess they think of play sets and swings but Dodd students just need board games and some fun games like seven-up and just sit on desks and just talk with there friends with only one teacher watching them. Recess is good for students to just relax and forget about all their important test or papers due so they can not get stressed out. Recess can also include  some music or computers for students to watch funny videos or just look at pictures. I think most Dodd students will agree that recess is good for them to just relax and have fun during school with no teacher yelling at them to do their work. That is why middle school students need recess.

~Georgia Koski