Do you Know the Truth about Animal Testing?

I bet you didn’t know that there is over an estimated 26 million animals in the United States that get tested every year.  They are used to determine whether a medication, that is used for a humans, are is toxic or not.  Whenever animals are used for testing they are food and water deprived or they are forced fed, and sometimes will get burns and cuts on purpose just so they can test out the medication.  Rats, mice, fish, and birds, which is 95% of the animals used in testing, are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act.  The Animal Welfare Act is the protection for animals from testing.  Just because the medications pass the animal testing doesn’t mean it is good for humans to use.  94% of the medicine that is approved for animals is eventually failed in the human testing clinic.  

I feel we need to put a stop to animal testing.  If we don’t do it to humans then why is it fair to do it to the animals?  Just because we don’t want humans to get hurt doesn’t mean we need to hurt animals.  Scientist need to come up with a better way to test medicines so that no one is being harmed.  How would you feel if someone was testing you with stuff that does not benefit you at all?  This is a cruel act to do to an innocent animal that has not done anything to harm you.  Guess how many animals die a year from testing.  Approximately 100 million animals die a year, just in the United States,  from animal testing including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds.  Is this how we treat animals?


Therapy Dogs


For my blog post this quarter, I have decided to write about therapy dogs and how they help those who need it most. Therapy dogs are dogs that are trained to provide affection and comfort to people in places such as hospitals and nursing homes. There are three basic types of therapy dogs. The first type of therapy dogs are called “Therapeutic Visitation” dogs. These are common household pets whose owners take them to visit different places such as hospitals, nursing homes, detention facilities and rehabilitation facilities. Visitation dogs helps people who are away from their family due to mental or physical illnesses and make them feel loved. These truly special dogs help brighten the day of those who are away from their loved ones. The second type of therapy dogs are called “Animal Assisted Therapy” dogs. Animal Assisted Therapy dogs help improve a patient’s mental, physical, social and emotional state. There are many different settings that they may visit. The most common places where dogs make their appearance are hospitals, nursing homes and therapeutic boarding schools for teens. However, there is a reason why the dogs take an adventure in a place like hospitals. Some are involved with specific therapeutic goals, such as assisting with patients who are working towards gaining motion in some limbs and  increase their motor control by completing an easy task such as basic pet care skills. Finally, the last type of therapy dog is called a “Facility Therapy Dog”. These dogs mainly work in nursing homes. They are often trained to help keep patients with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease from getting into trouble. These types of dogs usually live at the facility.


I think that therapy dogs are so important to the community. They can give someone so much love that they may be missing in their life. These extraordinary dogs help people deal with depression, anxiety, cancer and so much more. They are there to listen, to comfort and to love without judgement. There is a sort of feeling that that is hard find with other people and it helps some open up. There are so many ways that therapy dogs help everyone around them. Depression and anxiety have recently become a big part of lives all across the world. Those with depression try to avoid the outside world because of the fear and stress of what may happen. “Anxiety and depression involve emotional turmoil and negative internal ‘self-talk,’” Dr. Katie Kangas, co-founder of the Pet Wellness Academy, explains. “These thoughts typically spiral into unrealistic negativity and this continues in a vicious cycle.” Kangas goes further into explaining how dogs provide a comforting companionship. Her and her group of colleges discussed whether or not having a dog for depression was a good idea and they come to the conclusion that it would help with so many more ways to help than doctors can even prescribe. It helps them have one focus and one responsibility. “A dog needs to be fed, needs to be walked, and needs to be pet, so on days when a person feels least motivated, a thump of a happy tail motivates a person to get back to living,” Demling says.

Along with an opportunity of responsibility, dogs also give their owners and companions unconditional love. After some studies, it was a unanimous agreement that 100% of the time, a dog does not judge when a person is depressed, anxious, lonely, wearing the same clothes as yesterday and can’t get out of bed. It makes people feel like they have a true friend during their difficulties.

One of the most important things about therapy dogs is that when working with people with depression, anxiety and almost any other disease, they are able to recognize signs of a panic attack or seizure coming. “The mere presence or non-reaction to a stimulus of a trusted companion often calms an attack,” Demling explains. “Dogs can also be trained to use passive methods to block strangers from approaching their handler unexpectedly.”

With someone to always be able to talk to, to be comforted at difficult times and for unconditional love without judgement, I believe that therapy dogs are a necessity in this wonderful world. Just think about how happy it will make someone feel, how they will have comfort that is difficult to find in people, as well as the smile on their face when they find a beautiful animal lying down next to them.


Horses: The Noblest of All Creatures

Maybe many of you like dogs, cats, or other animals more than horses, but did you know that horses may also be a human’s best friend? Before humans domesticate horses, they have been a source of food back then. The first modern horse horses dating back 3,000 years ago appeared in ancient Babylon. Horses have always been a faithful friend of humans. Going back to ancient times, soldiers fought on horsebacks. Nowadays, rather than riding on horses prior to war, horseback riding is mostly for fun, entertainment and competition.

Horses are definitely my favorite animal. Not only they are fun to ride on, but also the fact that they are a good and loyal pet that can work and help humans get their job done. Their grace and beauty about them makes them very likable. Horses are one true friend and companion of humans. A quick old fun fact,. Did you know that when horses look like they’re laughing, they’re actually engaging in a special nose-enhancing technique known as “flehmen,” to determine whether a smell is good or bad?


Pets: Cute and Healthy?

I think most of us can agree that pets are just about as cute as it gets. But did you know that they can actually give their human companions health benefits? Not only do they lift our moods, but animals can go as far as to protect their families from serious health threats.

Did you ever have a bad day? Felt a little down? Just been in a downright grumpy mood? Well according to studies, pets can do a lot to improve your state  in those instances. Just the fact that they always seem to be carefree and happy is enough to make most people’s spirits improve almost instantly. Besides that, no matter what you did that day, your pets will still treat you in the same open and loving way. Just this alone can do so much to help keep you positive and happy when you feel the whole world is against you. How does this all tie into benefits for pet owners? Attitude is aptitude they say! The more positive you feel, the more of a positive impact you will have in your relationships, work, and community. Pets can also help us to establish relationships, especially dogs. Many people love dogs, and would like to stop and pet them, which gives you something to talk about with their owner. It is also proven that people with pets are generally more open and trusting. As for sickness prevention, pets help to calm us down, which can do wonders for our health. Stress is a proven cause of some serious illnesses such as heart diseases and obesity. Petting an animal feels good, and can help to lower your blood pressure, as well us bring your stress down to reasonable level. Have a baby in the house? Animals can help with that too! Having a pet can actually help young children develop stronger immune systems, and are less likely to develop illnesses such as allergies or asthma. Go figure!

Personally, I think animals have a very positive impact on their families. Pets usually have a very calm and relaxed philosophy, and it is a wonderful thing that they can share that with their human families. I believe that they can truly help people in all the ways mentioned in this blog. I have always loved the effects my pets have on me, and now I know that there are many more amazing things animals can do for us, which I never imagined. I can personally relate to the idea of pets cheering up their human owners when they are feeling down. No matter what, your pets will treat you like nothing changed, or ever happened, and that can do so much to improve how you go through the rest of your day. I think that people should take advantage of these great qualities animals posses. There are so many animals that need homes, and nowadays it is fairly easy to adopt them. Remember, it will help you out in the long run. Next time you’re feeling down, think about a little furry friend!



Careful!!! This Halloween, you may want to be more cautious with your dog. If he/she consumes two to three ounces of chocolate, it can make a 50 lb. dog very sick. That wouldn’t be too good, would it?  Be careful of dropping any candy that contains any sort of chocolate in it! It’s too dangerous to take the risk. There are chemicals in chocolate that are similar to caffeine, called methylxanthines. Many dogs love the smell and taste of chocolate.  The darker the chocolate is, the more toxic it probably is.

So, now you obviously know to NOT take the risk of leaving tiny crumbs of Reese’s or Kit Kat or any other chocolate containing product lying on the floor and being too lazy to take 5 seconds to pick it up. I don’t have a dog, but, I do have 2 cats. I will be so aware of dropping any on the ground, especially on Halloween. I know it takes an extra effort to actually bend down, pick it up, then get back up. Although, I’d rather have my pets safe. It would make me feel so terrible to know that I didn’t take the short amount of time to take back the chocolate that I dropped the other day and made my cat get sick or poisoned!!!! It’s probably the same for you, too! I think it is great to have the habit of throwing out whatever you drop on the ground, even if it isn’t chocolate! I hope that all of you that read this start this habit too. Pets don’t know what they are or aren’t supposed to eat, so you have to pick it up, yourself, to keep them healthy. I know you love your pets, just like me, so KEEP THEM SAFE!

~Alexa Wetmore

Dog Saves Owner’s Life


“Recent studies have shown that some dogs can sometimes accurately detect cancer.”  A Basset Hound mix named Lexie uses her great sense of smell to sniff out her owner, Lisa Hillje’s tumor.  She began jumping on Hillje’s chest and barking at her. Startled by the dog’s unusual behavior, the owner put her hand over the area where Lexie was jumping and found a sign of cancer. With a history of breast cancer in her family, the 39-year-old went to a doctor. This appointment revealed that Hillje had cancer, even though she received a negative test only a few months prior. Thanks to the early detection, founded by Lexie, Hillje’s cancer was successfully treated and has remained in remission.

Hillje credits being alive today to her dog, so she was more than happy to help Lexie when her own moment of need arrived. Shortly after Hillje’s battle with cancer ended, she noticed that Lexie was drinking excessive amounts of water and refusing food. Hillje brought her beloved pet to the vet’s office, where three cancerous tumors were discovered in Lexie’s liver. Her vet said that Lexie most likely only had a month to live, but Hillje refused to give up. She researched and paid for expensive holistic treatments and doted on Lexie’s every need. The devotion appears to have worked. Lexie is alive and well. Now the pair are even when it comes to life saving, but Hillje is sure that won’t stop either of them from helping each other again.

~Taylor Monti


My dog, Guinness, is the best dog ever for many reasons, but the best reason of all is she makes me feel happy! When I come home from school my dog would be sitting on the porch just waiting for me, and when I get out of the car she runs up to me, jumps on me and greets me with many kisses. She makes me laugh so hard sometimes even when no one else is paying attention! If I had a bad day at school she would still be waiting for me, wagging her tail and make me smile even after the worst day ever. She would make me give her a big hug and even sometimes I would tell her about my day and it makes me feel better because even though she has no idea what I’m saying she stares at me and pays attention which is good enough for me!

For many people their dogs makes them feel better. I mean cats are lovable but they don’t play around with you and are as happy as dogs! With their smiling face and wagging tail you can definitely tell that they are happy which makes you feel happy too! “Being around dogs often has a calming effect on many people. Their constant positive attitudes and willingness to please are natural mood enhancers. Related research has shown similar trends with those who have cancer and other terminal illnesses.”  Dogs can also increase your exercise which will help increase your health making you feel better. They can help you go for hikes, walks, runs, and playing fetch is good for you too! With more exercise you can make your self feel better which improves your mood!!!            ~ Georgia Koski

How Much do You Love Your Pets???

Being a proud volunteer at the Meriden Humane Society, I’ve seen multiple cases of animal abuse. These animals are promised a loving home, and are deceived, and left hopeless at a door step. What type of person would do this? Unfortunately they are all over the world. Think about your pet, whether it be a dog, cat, or anything else.  Do you really love it? Seriously, this topic is no joking matter, for an animals well being is at stake. How would you feel if your parents, beat you, set you on fire, took your eye out, or just dumped you on the street? Not very good, and that I can say that without a response. Our pets have feelings too. We are their lives, they love us, and we need to show them just how compassionate we can be.

Simple things like feeding, watering, and petting your dog or cat, can make a difference in their self esteem. Don’t complain about their behavior, when yours isn’t much different. Let me tell you, I met this dog named Henry, who had a loving home, but his owners were wild, energetic, and athletic, so he was too. Taking after his owners, he went wild and scared their new born child. Unfortunately Henry was beat, lost vision in both his eyes, had gashes in both his sides, and was dumped at the nearest shelters door, with little chance of survival. What kind of monster does this? HUMANS!!!!!!! Sadly this isn’t the worst case of animal abuse. We are their closest friends and their mortal enemy at the same time.

Don’t worry, if you believe these thoughts ring true, you can help. Go on the Meriden Humane Society’s website and click on Volunteer. You will find an application, to volunteer there and be a companion to the animals. If you can’t do this for what ever reason, then just love any animal you do come across. They are our companions, and we’re theirs. If you really love these animals, try to take action.

~Patricia LaRusso

Piglet Sized Pets

What I’m wondering, as many of you might be, is do pigs make good pets, and do humans make good owners for these pets? And no not the farm pigs, but the new trendy potbellied pig. Now before anyone thinks of adopting this cute intelligent little creature, one has to wonder why animal shelters are overflowing with the very animals people are rushing to buy. After all why would such an intelligent, clean, curious, quiet, and playful pet be abandoned? Could one reason for this be that the owner is the one with the problem? For example, a pot bellied pig can get bored and become destructive, but is that not the owners fault? So let’s see what it takes to own one of these little guys.

The first thing you should know about these little cuties is that they can be aggressive. Pot bellied pigs can become very territorial and without knowing who is the  boss they will strive to become “top pig”. So if you plan on getting one of these little rascals make sure you set yourself as “top pig” from the start. Also good to know is that pigs are on a 24/7 quest for food, no matter what. They will easily learn how to open your cabinets and fridge in their search. An easy solution to this is a childproof lock, or something similar, to keep out these persistent pigs. Another thing to know about these rascals is that they are instinctual diggers. So, make sure there is a nice spot of soft dirt where your pig can root (dig with their snout).

Now let’s move back into the positive of these little guys. After all, they can be great pets if you are ready for those couple of cons. One great thing about pot bellied pigs is they are easily trainable. So with the help of a little bribery, you will have a trained pet in no time. This also comes in handy with any bad behaviors as they can easily be trained away. Another reason potbellied pigs are a popular pet is because of how affectionate they are. Potbellied pigs enjoy companionship and closeness, so don’t be afraid to show your love to the little guy.

Lastly, a few warnings to anyone considering a potbellied pig as a pet. Make sure your pig is from a reputable breeder and also make sure to meet its parents and siblings before taking your pig home.  It could be prevent a lot of future problems. Further, if you have a dog, getting a pig may not be a good idea. To dogs pigs are prey, and if they are left alone together, assume the worst can and will happen. Also another tip about pigs is that they can’t stand heat. If you’ve ever heard that pigs can’t sweat, well, it’s true. So if you live somewhere very warm make sure your pig doesn’t just have shade, but also has a place to get wet and cool off, like a swimming pool.

One final tip about your little guy, give him or her lots of love, and enjoy!

~Brooke Claflin