How Much do You Love Your Pets???

Being a proud volunteer at the Meriden Humane Society, I’ve seen multiple cases of animal abuse. These animals are promised a loving home, and are deceived, and left hopeless at a door step. What type of person would do this? Unfortunately they are all over the world. Think about your pet, whether it be a dog, cat, or anything else.  Do you really love it? Seriously, this topic is no joking matter, for an animals well being is at stake. How would you feel if your parents, beat you, set you on fire, took your eye out, or just dumped you on the street? Not very good, and that I can say that without a response. Our pets have feelings too. We are their lives, they love us, and we need to show them just how compassionate we can be.

Simple things like feeding, watering, and petting your dog or cat, can make a difference in their self esteem. Don’t complain about their behavior, when yours isn’t much different. Let me tell you, I met this dog named Henry, who had a loving home, but his owners were wild, energetic, and athletic, so he was too. Taking after his owners, he went wild and scared their new born child. Unfortunately Henry was beat, lost vision in both his eyes, had gashes in both his sides, and was dumped at the nearest shelters door, with little chance of survival. What kind of monster does this? HUMANS!!!!!!! Sadly this isn’t the worst case of animal abuse. We are their closest friends and their mortal enemy at the same time.

Don’t worry, if you believe these thoughts ring true, you can help. Go on the Meriden Humane Society’s website and click on Volunteer. You will find an application, to volunteer there and be a companion to the animals. If you can’t do this for what ever reason, then just love any animal you do come across. They are our companions, and we’re theirs. If you really love these animals, try to take action.

~Patricia LaRusso