Herman Cain For President

If 10% is good enough for God then 9% should be just fine for the Federal Government.       -Herman Cain-

Herman Cain one of the Republican Candidates for president has his 9-9-9 plan where there is a 9% Corporate Flat Tax, 9% Personal Flat Tax, a 9% National sales Tax, zero capital gains tax, and ends the Death Tax. In the Cain administration no American Citizen will pay more than a 9% federal income tax.

I think that this will work because Cain knows first hand what it’s like to own a small business and pay taxes, plus pay his employees and himself. I feel that this would be a fair way for everyone to pay their part. If everyone pays the same amount it may inspire more people to start a business. It would also be easier to figure out your taxes because you would know the exact percentage you would pay. Once the plan is put into place over the current plan then there will be more jobs. And Herman Cain said “our tax code is the 21st century version of slavery.” Meaning that the IRS is taxing us to the point that we are slaves to paying taxes. Herman Cain will be a great president. He will do what he says he will do.

~Sam Simler