Will Donald Trump be Trumped?

As of right now Donald Trump is the GOP front runner. Meaning that Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican party. Although Trump leads,  60% of voters in a survey find Trump unfavorable, while just 33% find him to be the right choice for president.  Donald Trump leads his party by 15.8 points, but could he really be a president. Majority of Americans feel that Donald Trump is a racist, sexist and not the right choice, but he leads his party by a large amount.

My belief is that the real reason Donald Trump leads is his media popularity compared to the other candidates. Since Trump announced that he was running the media has been focused on Donald Trump and his campaign. Donald Trump constantly feeds the media controversial statements that lead to more popularity for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is getting nearly 15% more media coverage than everyone else which is almost three times more coverage than anyone else. Marco Rubio fellow candidate said in an interview that “ The media is enabling Donald Trump to destroy politics”.  Trump being well known outside of the political pool is also one of the main reasons he is winning the GOP. Trump has always been known to have a controversial personality, but add that to the big stage of the politics, it’s a gold mine for media. The media  alone has kept Donald Trump in the lead!


Malala Yousafzai and the Right to Female Education

Do you ever feel like not going to school because you’d rather be at home doing something better than sitting in a classroom all day? Well most people don’t realize how lucky they are to be getting an education. In Swat Valley, Pakistan girls aren’t allowed to go to school. They stay home and help their mothers. The Taliban were threatening the lives of families that sent their daughters to school. It seemed like the Taliban had complete control over everyone, but not quite.

Malala Yousafzai, the daughter of a school owner was only 11 years old when she spoke up about how the right to education should not be taken away. The Taliban threatened her life but that didn’t stop her. She snuck into school every day with only a few other girls because to her education means everything. One day on the way home from school her bus was attacked by the Taliban. Two other girls were injured but she was the target. Her speeches about education angered them and they wanted to stop her. Malala was shot in the head and many thought that would be the end, but due to the gunman’s shaky hand she survived. Malala is now 18, an author and the youngest person to receive the Nobel peace Prize. She has left Pakistan but travels around the world fighting for the right of education and inspiring millions of people with her story and beliefs. So next time you wish you didn’t have to go to school just remember that other people risk their lives for an education.


Songs for ten cents?

Is it possible to buy music from your favorite artists for ten cents?  With stores like iTunes charging upwards of at least one dollar per track and services like Spotify offering unlimited streaming of however many songs you want for ten bucks a month, it seems unreasonable to believe that you can buy a song for a dime.  But it’s possible–with a catch.

MP3Million is a website that offers its entire 2.4 million song library of good quality MP3 files for ten cents a song.  They also offer a twenty percent discount if you buy an entire album.  All you have to do is create an account and deposit money using a credit card or through PayPal using a service like Pincode Reseller.  Once you deposit the money, you shop their large selection of music.  When you are ready to buy, all you have to do is checkout and download your audio files.  The process of buying music online does not get much easier than that.

As said earlier, there is a catch.  This service may or may not be legal.  MP3Million is based in Russia, where copyright laws are less enforced than in countries like the United States.  As a result, the music is cheaper.  In the United States, the royalty rate is 9.1 cents per reproduction of a song, plus a bit more if it’s over five minutes.  Outside of the States, the royalty isn’t a fixed amount but rather about eight to ten percent of the purchase price.  In that way, this service could be running perfectly legally for customers in Russia.  It is still unclear whether or not people outside of that country can buy from MP3Million.

Can you really buy songs for ten cents?  The answer is that you definitely can, but it may not be legal.  If you’re willing to take the risk, go to MP3Million online and purchase music for a dime a piece.
