Horseback Riding, for the Mind, Body, and Soul

Horseback riding is different than every other sport in many ways.  For one example, in this sport the athlete bonds with the animal they are riding and in many instances, a long partnership is formed.  All horses have different personalities and temperaments that a rider needs to learn and become accustomed to.  Owning a horse or participating in horseback riding takes hard work and dedication. Three important components of horseback riding are bonding, responsibility and being a part of a team.   All people are encouraged to try horseback riding, and, most people who would try would be eager to go back and try again.

 In my opinion, horseback riding it a great stress reliever.  It can easily make someone happy or get into a better mood. After a long day at school or work, the best thing to do is go horseback riding. Also hanging out with your friends at the barn, or your horse, can also make you feel better. The atmosphere of a barn feels peaceful and sweet. In conclusion, I love horseback riding and this sport would be a great thing to try or to carry on with.

~Cayla Keenan

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