The Death Of A Great

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died on Aug 25, 2012. He was 82 and is going to be buried at sea. Neil Armstrong, who commanded Apollo 11, the mission that landed men on the moon on July 20th 1969 did not like to be considered a hero. When he returned to earth with his crew, everyone wanted to see them; presidents, prime ministers and kings. They were awarded medals and even streets were named after them. They went on a tour and went to 25 countries which took them 35 days.

Neil Armstrong was such a big impact on the science world. He proved that humans were able to go to another planet and he was the first one to leave earth. In my opinion he accomplished one of the greatest things in history. If he hadn’t done what he did we might not know what is happening outside of earth. He helped the science community in so many ways. He will be remembered forever.

~James Eigner

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